Many seniors do not realize how vulnerable they may be to falls. Statistically, each year at least one third of all seniors age 65 tory burch
or older will fall and this percentag e increases as they get older. Any fall should be a cause for concern and should not be ignored. Additionally, an elderly person who sustains a fracture as a result of the fall can seriously compromise their health. While you as a caregiver may not be able to prevent all falls, you should know that many of these accidents can be prevented. Here are some practical things you can do to protect the elderly from falls. 1. Be sure your loved one is seen by his physician regularly. The doctor will perform tests to see if there are medical conditions that place your loved one at a higher risk for falls. He will also monitor their medications as some medication side effects can lead to falls. Seniors should report symptoms such as dizziness, lightheadedness, or imbalance to the doctor. 2. Plan to routinely assess the environment of the elderly person you are caring for and learn to identify potential fall hazards. Throw rugs, electrical cords and clutter can all potentially cause an elderly person to trip and fall. Remove these trip hazards and make sure the aisles or hallways in the home are free from clutter. You may need to rearrange the furniture in order to make wider walking paths in the home. 3. Have a communication system established so your loved one can contact you in an emergency. Medical alert systems are available at a reasonable cost. These are very helpful especially if your loved one lives alone. In your absence, designate a friend, neighbor or other family member to check on them regularly. It is also a good idea to have a plan in place for gaining entrance into the home in case the elderly person has fallen and is unable to open the door. 4. Be sure there is adequate light in the home both inside and outside. Due to poor vision many elderly persons fall because they cannot clearly see where they are going. This can occur even in very familiar surroundings. If hallway or stairway light bulbs have burned out, replace them immediately. Keep extra light bulbs handy and keep flashlights and batteries available in case of a power Tory Burch Flats
outag e. 5. Have secure handrails for all staircases and steps both inside and outside the home. Have grab bars installed in the bathtub to help prevent fall accidents in the bathtub. Toilet seat bars may also need to be installed for extra support for seniors who have difficulty changing positions from sitting to standing. 6. During the winter months, plan to keep their sidewalk clear. Assure that care is taken when they are walking outside, especially if it is raining, snowing or icy. This becomes especially important if they use an assistive device such as a walker or a cane for mobility. The elderly are prone to falls even on dry days, so assist them if you know they are unsteady on their feet. Many have trouble negotiating uneven surfaces such as steps or inclines so give them support in these areas as well.7. Frequently used household items should be kept at a reachable level so your loved one does not have to climb or reach unnecessarily. If they do need to climb to obtain an item they need a solid, stable foundation such as a wide-based stool placed on a flat, level surface. They should avoid standing on the tips of their toes to reach objects as this is a sure way for them to lose their balance and fall. They should never climb on a stool if they are feeling lightheaded or dizzy. Teach them to wait for assistance to obtain items that are out of their reach. 8. Be sure that your elderly loved one wears well-fitting, supportive, comfortable, flat shoes. Not all styles of shoes are suitable for an elderly person to wear and their favorite pair of shoes may actually be responsible for causing falls. They should definitely avoid flip-flops, loosely fitting sandals, shoes that are too tight and shoes with a slippery sole. 9. Be sure they are taking their medication as prescribed. The elderly may not be able to accurately give themselves their own medicines and if that is the case you will need to be responsible for giving them their medicines. It is possible that they may have falls as a result of medication side effects. If your elderly loved one complains of feeling dizzy or lightheaded report this problem to their physician immediately. Pink Lace Ballerina Flats
The doctor may need to make adjustments in their medicines to control their symptoms. In conclusion, seniors are highly prone to falls but many falls can be prevented. As the caregiver, you need to be aware of the practical things you can do to eliminate these fall risks. If your loved one does sustain a fall or is having repeated falls, contact their physician immediately.