
Cheap Rosetta Stone--A music video by hearing impaired

Cheap Rosetta Stone software in sale now.VADODARA: Deaf community, too, will get a chance to enjoy a music video! A group of deaf and normal people from city-based NGO Mook Badhir Mandal (MBM) has prepared a music video. It is an initiative where deaf will now be able to speak to normal people using an entertaining medium. The eight-minute music video was first directed and then music as well as lyrics were blended with the video. "This is the first time that we had done something like this and it was challenging to put everything together. We had to employ reverse process where the video was directed with deaf actors singing and dancing using Indian sign language. Then a team prepared the lyrics and music for the video," said Arpit Christian. The video was unveiled as part of the two-day World Deaf Day celebration in the city from Saturday in which participants from across the country are taking part. It is jointly directed by Rajesh Ketkar, Imran Sheikh and Vibhuti Agrawat from MBM. Nirmit Christian and Learn French Arpit who are not deaf but are working with MBM have composed music and penned the lyrics. "Here deaf actors are trying to communicate with the normal people sending across the message that 'god is love and with love we can communicate with all human beings'. The reaction from the audience has been very encouraging as deaf community enjoyed looking at the dance sequence while hearing people were amazed to see the effort," added Arpit Christian. During the celebration, participants will be staging drama, skits and dances as well as movies will be screened. "Last year, we had many competitive events but this time the idea is to bring deaf community together for a cultural get-together. We have 1,000 people, who have come from across the country to participate in this event," he added.
Rosetta stone language and other language programs from Rosetta Stone are not only simple level package, but also in combination or series of Level 1-3 Level 1-5, and it is much cheaper for you to buy the set.

