Thefact is that we are not going to find a uniquely New Zealandlanguage
Thefact is that we are not going to find a uniquely New Zealandlanguage for our constitution. We are not going to Rosetta Stone software come upwith a one-out of-the-box polity like the Swiss. It isperilous to imitate alien models without understanding thepolitical anthropology that underlies them. We must use thewisdom of the ages, the best practice of kindred nations toexpress ourselves, whatever we decide. What intellectualsand academics are not contributing to our New Zealand debateis the rich lore of political thought that a great NewZealander like John Pocock has expounded at Johns Hopkinsfor decades now or Quentin Skinner has propounded atCambridge. The master-scripts and meta-narratives for NewZealand's identity won't come from the intellectualequivalent of tariff barriers and trade protection that shutout the wider civilisation we belong to. We are not makingan Iranian nuclear programme here. It is good to watchCoronation Street and its OK to read and talk about QuentinSkinner. A civilisation is the higher term of a nation-stateand all we are doing is affiliating to what we like in thewider Anglo-American world, and appropriating whats ourown. Republicans then have to improve their game. Iconsider that the monarchists had the advantage of a cogentlanguage which they all knew in depth. The problem withtheir language is that it is basically archaic andtautological, its premises predict its conclusions, and whatwe heard was an argument deployed round and round in afigurex2013,eight railway track in a series of non-sequiturs thatdeny real-time development in the future and ignorehistorical change altogether. If we are to believe them,the monarchy is so atemporal, so eternal and so sovereign asto be as unchanging as God himself is, while New Zealand iscast in such a flux of time that it requires an unmovedmover as a reference point. But Rosetta Stone Spain Spanish the monarchy too is subjectto profound historical change. It is changing at the rate ofknots compared with the Japanese Emperorship, the Papacy oreven the US Presidency. Even the New Zealand PrimeMinistership as an institution has changed less since theage of King Dick and King Edward VII. Both the monarchistand republican arguments were presented in classical termswith little reference apart from the Treaty to actual NewZealand life. The debate was couched in the language andconcepts of the late 19th century. Both monarchies andrepublics have moved on since then. For example, as Ihave said today, I trust the sovereign people I share my NewZealand citizenship with, and I dont require a circuitconnector in the form of a monarchy to protect me or anyother citizens rights from yourselves and from thesovereignty of the people. Along with the remedies thatthe Law provides, the best protection for the rights of anyminority in a democracy such as ours is the goodwill andsupport of the informed majoritarian community. This issomething we do very well and if our democracy isn'thealthy, then no amount of clever institutional checks andbalances will avail. I suggest that both the monarchistsand the republicans suffer from the sheer success of TheQueen. She may not be as eponymous as Queen Victoria or theEmperor Franz-Josef in summing up generations of human timefor whole nations, but she has been an exemplary Head ofState, the very benchmark of what a New Zealand Head ofState Rosetta Stone English should be. We owe her the respect we would give a NewZealand Head of State if and when that time comes. We arenot Americans or Australians with hang-ups about monarchy.
An Apartheid pariahstate
There is no reason, in themodernity of the 21st century, to have an Apartheid pariahstate in our midsts that has co-opted the very definition ofjustice from the lexicon of Western languages, and continuesto create new innocent victims on a daily basis and has beendoing so since its very inception in 1896, when its Rosetta Stone V3 founderclaimed along the banks of the Swiss Rhine: "In Basle Ifounded the Jewish state ... Maybe in five years, certainlyin fifty, everyone will realize it". And most assuredly,there is no reason for any people, be they well intentioned,or ideological, who may have supported it in the past, tocontinue doing so in the present, except with monumentallycriminal intent of perpetuating crimes against a beleagueredhumanity.If an EU can transpire after killing each otherfor centuries and upon the ashes of 50 million dead just inthe 20th century, with the determined will and singularfocus to do so, a unified Palestine-Israel is a far morenatural and historical reconstitution except for therelative newcomer European Zionism parasite that hashijacked the region, and continually prevents and distortsits reseeding with red herrings up the wazoo. It's time tofinally endeavor creating the long cherished and elusivedream of a peaceful and fairer future for all of ourchildren by the construction of a non-Apartheid equal andjust state for all its inhabitants inIsrael-Palestine.Indeed a true "Zion that will lightup all the world", one that can finally claim to be thegenuine moral inheritor of the Ten Commandments, and of thenoble Prophet - whom all three faiths in the region honorand respect, sharing in the same Abrahamic moral traditions- who identified his flock as God's chosen peoples!Thankyou.The author, a minor justice activist, grew up in Pakistan,studied EECS at MIT, engineered for a while in high-techSilicon Valley (patents here), and retired early to pursue Rosetta Stone Spanish Latin otherresponsible interests. He may be reached viahumanbeingsfirst on gmail.com (click here)Copyright Notice: This work iscopyright (c) Project HumanbeingsfirstTM, with fullpermission to copy, repost, and reprint, in its entirety,for any purpose, granted with the exclusion noted belowprovided the original URL of this document is alsoreproduced and this entire copyright notice is alwaysretained as is, including this note that not doing so is inviolation of licensing terms of copyrighted material and maybe open to penalties noted here. All quotations and excerptsemployed in this work are based on non-profit "fair use" foreducation and research purposes only in the greater publicinterest consistent with the understanding of laws noted here. The rights of the author toexpress these views are based on inalienable rights noted here, and to do so freely withoutsuffering intimidation and duress is based on the newanti-terrorism laws discussed here Rosetta Stone Spain Spanish which supercedes excellent theorynoted here. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C.Section 107 of US Copyright Laws, you are provided thismaterial upon your request, and taking any action thatdelivers you this document in any form is considered makinga specific request to receive this document for your ownpersonal educational and/or research use.
Congressgave the FDA the power to regulate medical devices becausethe failure of A series of high-profile medical devicesintended
Many think it is in the hip pocket ofthe big drug and device companies, even Rosetta Stone the more so underthe Republicans. Yet the screw-the-small-guyfive-plus-two-and-one-half want to take away the protectiongiven by state law against such federal incompetence --against incompetence, if not venal ity, of the type that In her powerful dissent, Ginsburg said Congressgave the FDA the power to regulate medical devices becausethe failure of A series of high-profile medical devicesintended for human use . . . . Conspicuous among thesefailures was the Dalkon Shield of horrendous history. ButCongress never intended, Ginsburg said, to prevent (topreempt, in legalese) state common law claims by injuredparties, a point for which she cited various elements of thelegislative history and even cited a supporting statement bythe former chief counsel of the FDA itself. Scalia, on theother hand, ignored legislative history because he leads amovement to completely abandon its use.&nbs Sowhat we have here is a Supreme Court decision that onceagain screws over the small man, does so without any basisin Congressional history or purpose, but, rather, contraryto that history and purpose, and screws him over on thebasis of unsupported assumptions of what juries might do andwith no regard for the recognized fact that the federalagency that is supposed to protect the small guy isincompetent and, apparently, is in the hip pocket of the bigdrug and device makers. This is not the concern for thegeneral welfare, the concern for a jurisprudence of welfare,or the concern for what investigations or social scienceshow to be the facts, that was articulated so many years agoby Pekelis and Miller I close with a last pointthat I am unable to resist. Thirty-six years ago, in 1972,the Rosetta Stone Chinese DePaul Law Review printed a symposium on the shiftingbalance of powers between the federal government and thestates. The federal/state balance is a subject that is everwith us, and is with us still, of course. I was asked to anddid write the Introduction to that Symposium, and think theantepenultimate and penultimate paragraphs of theIntroduction are pertinent to a case likeMedtronics:The abuses of modern technology and themodern economy are usually perpetrated by interstateorganizations, and curtailing these abuses will consequentlyhave interstate effects of one kind or another. Thus, theeasy answer for courts to give on the preemption problem isoften that the power of cure resides solely in the nationalgovernment. This is particularly easy when the nationalgovernment has already addressed itself to the problem insome way. But, knowing what we do know of the inadequaciesin Washington, the easy answer may not always be the safeone from the standpoint of health and welfare.Thereal challenge is for the courts to work out a set ofcoherent legal doctrines which have the effect of insuringthat the citizen obtains adequate protection againsttechnological and economic abuse. Such doctrines would haveto be flexible enough to permit protection to be given bythe political branches of the federal government when theyare doing a better job than the states, and to be given bythe states when they are doing a better job than thepolitical branches of the federal government. At the sametime, the doctrines would have to be sufficiently principledso that decisions would not be rendered on a totally ad hocbasis. Lastly, the complete set of doctrines would have toprovide for judicial protection in cases where neither thestates nor the political It is obvious, is itnot, that what is suggested in these two paragraphs isemphatically not what the Supreme Court did in Medtronics,where it did not protect the citizen but instead found a wayto screw him over in favor of big business and big,centralized government as represented by an ineffectivefederal agency? Nor does the Medtronics opinion do whatPekelis and Miller urged by maximizing human welfare insteadof screwing people over. And such screw-the-small-guy,Medtronics type jurisprudence from the Supreme Court is oneof the re This posting represents the personal views ofLawrence R. Velvel. If you wish to comment on the post, onthe general topic of the post, or on the comments of others,you can, if you wish, post your comment on my website,VelVelvelOnNationalAffairs is now available as a podcast.To subscribe please visit VelvelOnNationalAffairs.com, andclick on the link on the top left corner of the page. Thepodcasts can also be found on iTunes or atwww.lrvelvel.libsyn.com In addition, one hour longtelevision book shows, shown on Comcast, on which DeanVelvel, interviews an author, one hour long Rosetta Stone French television panelshows, also shown on Comcast, on which other MSL personnelinterview experts about important subjects, conferences onhistorical and other important subjects held at MSL,presentations by authors who discuss their books at MSL, aradio program (What The Media Wont Tell You) which isheard on the World Radio Network (which is on Sirrus andother outlets in the U.S.), and an MSL journal of importantissues called The Long Term View, can all be accessed on theinternet, including by video and audio.
Data overload is one of the main reasons
One of the hazards of doing research with a broad focus is getting lost in all the information Rosetta Stone out there. One of the pleasures is just wandering around the internet looking for stuff. Data overload is one of the main reasons I was so grateful to come across the Cynefin framework in late 2006. Apart from this leading later to the opportunity to use SenseMaker? as research tool, conversations and stories told in doing the accreditation course in Brisbane also led to some exposure to other ways researchers, governments and organisations were using to find important information in big volumes of data. In 2008 I had my own close encounter with the detailed analysis of text using transcription and NVivo. Learning first-hand how intense and time consuming this approach is drove me to not only make sure I had the opportunity to use SenseMaker?, but also to keep my eye open for other options. It's not that the results of detailed analysis weren't valuable, just that the price seemed far too high. I started out looking at semantic analysis and word density tools and stumbled into Latent Semantic Analysis, anti-plagarism software Turnitin and iThenticate and text analytics and I'm still looking.Plagarism is a big Rosetta Stone Software concern in academia and even a simple search on Google will turn up many things that have clearly come from the same place, attributed or not attributed. Churning out words can turn into more than an embarassing slip-up for a professional writer . Stories can echo around the place. I get the feeling that often people are either just too busy or don't have the skills with the nuances of language to create an original response to something read or heard, it's easier to just repeat it on just like telegraph did in the 19th century. Data mining is huge and if you don't have the technical background it seems a bit like divining for water. It does help if you know the water is there already. Text analytics have been developed for academic purposes and more general use. Examples include tools such as Leximancer and quintura though I am sure there are more (please feel free to comment on any good ones you know about). This post just marks some thoughts on how the options of finding ideas in large volumes of information are evolving. I was reading today about how Benjamin Franklin received a 'could improve' note from his teacher as a young child and was encouraged to teach himself how to write eloquently by reverse engineering a much admired text.Maybe part of the challenge and part of the solution is that the text and stories that link together big ideas use prose that is well beyond the day to day language people have learned to use. The best explanations make clever use of metaphors and myths to Arabic Learning Software get complex ideas across to others. Part of me does not trust that the hocus pocus of semantics can really find these true gems, many of which I have come across purely through speaking with people, serendipity, rumours and persistence.
In the early days of any new technology we run the danger of fetishism
I found this telling cartoon in the process of hunting down references for an overdue chapter in a Rosetta Stone book on decision making. It makes the very important point that tools are the difference between being well fed and being the good meal. It triggered me to think more about tools and their role in human sense-making. Without tools we are nothing, but tools exist to augment human intelligence and social capabilities, not to replace them. When the tools dominate then we have a form of techno-fetishm (in popular language, sexist but regrettably true, Boys with Toys).In the early days of any new technology we run the danger of fetishism. We saw this in the early days of knowledge management, with the creation of scalable and affordable collaboration environments. I used to say that that we needed to be careful, we were in danger of replacing, rather than augmented human capability. Not only that the replacement was less adequate in many a case than the human social equivalent, but that its sustained adoption would remove that social capability to our loss. The catch phrase I created at the time to summarise this was If you pick up a tool and it fits your hand its useful, if you have to bio-rengineer your hand to fit the tool something is going badly wrong. Of course technology embodies human knowledge, but that embodiment by its nature stabilises knowledge at a point in time, it limits innovation shifting the balance from exploration to exploitation. Social computing, a new technology should have disrupted collaboration technologies in organisations but all too often we see the old models being perpetuated. Sharepoint is a good example of this, a competent file storage system it is over structured for human collaboration, instead of augmenting human capability it constrains that capability. The apparent order created appears attractive to some but it lacks the dynamism required for information management in a modern organisation.Brian Arthur in his excellent new book The Nature Rosetta Stone Software of Technology" What it is and How it Evolves makes the impotant point that modularisation is critical to the evolution of technology and in particular exaptation (although he does not use that word specifically). Now this is a form of partial constraint, without some constraints evolution does not happen, we just have randomness. With too much structure there is no space for novelty. The dilemma at the moment is that social computing considered overall is a wild flower garden, richly diverse and constantly changing. On the other hand most corporate computing environments are the equivalent of the highly formal gardens of the 17th Century, before they were swept away by the naturalistic movement of the 18th Century.When I adopted the term sense-making to describe out work I did two things. Firstly I rejected the neologism Sensemaking adopted by Weick by inserting the hyphen. Mary never fails to provide a series of ecletic links to all manner of interesting materialAiden Choles of The Narrative Pulse, and also Narrative Labs (he can delegate to his co-bloggers if he wants)Kim Sebecca, to take her mind off CBT cameras and surveilance in generalJon Husband on the grounds that he is there, and has a curious backgroundEdwin Zwart on the basis that he has just started blogging and needs to understand what he has got himself intoGrandad of Head Rambles, who is consistently the most savage of humorists and must have some interesting skeletons in there Italian Learning Software somewhereNancy White who is always interesting even when I disagree with herPatti Anklim who does not blog as often as she should, given what she has to sayI don't think I have tagged any of the above before on one of these memes so I feel slightly less guilty in consequence. I will also find out if they area reading this blog on a regular basis ....
This language is entrenched
This approach to metaphors has a Rosetta Stone Store significant impact on understanding agents within a system: if absolute metaphors are prevalent in human systems, what are the absolute metaphors that are pervasive within an organisation AND how do those Rosetta Stone Language metaphors "constitute the perception of reality as a whole"?Let me simplify all of this with a real example.We've been doing some in-depth work within the mining industry here in South Africa - doing multiple narrative enquiries across Rosetta Stone Greek different mining groups. As we've done this we've begun noticing a pattern within the stories about mine safety that seems to be persistent.The language around mine safety is saturated Rosetta Stone Software with policing terms. We speak of safety officers, accident investigations and the list goes on.This language is entrenched in structures and is almost sub-conscious within the mine sector. Again and again, the policing metaphor has surfaced. So much so that we've begun to see it in the light of absolute metaphors, or what we call base metaphors.Consider the implications of an unhelpful base metaphor of this nature in a South African context. If you're a middle aged black South Africa the police have potentially very negative connotations. They were the people who invaded your houses at night, discriminated against you, abused you and sometimes were even people from your own community.Consider the inverse. If you're a young South African, your experience of police is likely to be one where corruption is rife, that they cannot be trusted and are often prone to laziness.Now, if Rosetta Stone Language a new safety initiative is launched in a system where the policing base metaphor is prevalent, how would that affect people's behaviour in light of the connotations associated with policing? You're likely to be skeptical, see it as a corrupt process and unfair.We have often found multiple base metaphors within organisations, not all of them as negative as the policing example. We believe an awareness of what the possible base metaphors are within your organisation is vital in the context of implementing interventions to shift negative patterns in a complex system.Perhaps you would now like to be on the look out for the "6 metaphors a minute" that occur within your organisation? You may also want to Rosetta Stone Hindi find out the prevalence and pervasiveness of those metaphors.
There's been enormous military support
And I should say that for most of my time visiting Afghanistan, I Rosetta Stone Language found 99 percent of Afghans were very grateful for the support, particularly for the military support. And in every village people would say, "Please don't leave, not more, not less, we want more foreign troops, and more Americans." In recent weeks, there have begun to be more contradictions, a few more cracks opening up. There have been some instances that have made many Afghans quite angry. People in Afghanistan were upset about the reports about the desecration of the Quran. There have been people being upset about the behavior of the U.S. troops. There has been more pressure, I would say, from within Afghanistan. The Government of Afghanistan is walking a tightrope in many ways— it needs to continue to be grateful for and supportive of the Western backing that it gets, and yet it also needs to be sensitive to the needs, the demands, the rights of Afghan citizens.So, my question to you is, how do you balance those two demands? And, if I may, just on a personal note, I remember when there was a bombing of the village in Deh Rawood, and I remembered how upset you were, personally, over this. And so, I know that you're someone who has strong feelings, as well as being a diplomat and a representative of your country, but could you speak a little bit about some of these potential contradictions and how you balance them?ABDULLAH: Thank you. There are two or three issues, perhaps, in relation to your question. One, what was Language Learning Software the expectation of the Afghan people when the Bonn process was started, and we had the Tokyo Conference, and the pledging for Afghanistan? The people of Afghanistan had very high expectations; in some cases legitimate, logical, in some cases a little bit of overestimating, or not realistic.A country which was destroyed for 25 years couldn't be rebuilt in three-and-a-half years, [especially in a country] which only relies on foreign support in security, to a large extent, in the stability of the country, and financial support. Until it gets on its own feet, until it rebuilds, we not only missed 25 years in our history of golden opportunities, but it was destruction throughout, losing the institutions, destruction of the infrastructure, people were moving out of the country, migration, and minds were escaping from the country. So in today's situation, there is a sort of feeling among the people that perhaps we, as the government, were not able to deliver, or the international community might have not delivered as promised, this is one. So part of that expectation is legitimate, logical, part of it is not realistic.The second thing that I ask all of our international partners, do we have lessons drawn from our contact in the past three years that we should look into, we should review it, based on the lessons, the outcomes, and draw a better track in our conduct? So addressing these issues will be addressing some of the grievances which might be felt among the people.The third point would be that, for me, sometimes, it matters a lot whether I'm talking as an Spanish Learning Software Afghan citizen, an outspoken one, or a foreign minister. But, when it comes to the lives of the people, it's all the same. It's all the same. When lives are lost, I'm hurt, because I was thinking that we as an Afghan nation have chosen a different path, when innocent lives are lost.
Douglas Kearney says winning a Whiting Writers' Award is a fresh start
Like everyone else at the Old Dominion Literary Festival, Southern California poet Douglas Kearney Rosetta Stone had turned his ringer off. So when a stranger called and left an undecipherable message, Kearney, preparing for his reading, didn't think much of it. As a result, he was late to learn he'd won a $50,000 Whiting Writers' Award.Poets apply for many things: graduate school, grants, residency programs, prizes, faculty positions. They seek places to publish their work, sending poems to contests, magazines, editors. The Whiting Award, though, does not accept applications. The names of its judges are never revealed. Until the recipients are publicly announced, five weeks after they are told, they too are sworn to secrecy. (Kearney asked if he could tell his wife; they agreed that he could.)Every year since 1985, 10 writers -- of fiction, poetry, nonfiction and drama -- are honored. Because this is a prize for emerging writers, it may take some time for its winners to bee household names -- although many do. Among those who have received a Whiting are Denis Johnson, August Wilson, William T. Vollmann, Jonathan Franzen, Suzan-Lori Parks, David Foster Wallace and Tony Kushner."Getting this award," Kearney said last week from New York, where he'd gone for the Whiting ceremony, "is a beginning and not an ending. I really feel like I can keep pushing."Kearney is a pure product of Los Angeles; the resident of Van Nuys teaches at CalArts and is published by the Southern California press Red Hen. His poetry, which walks the line between print and performance, often deals with issues faced by an African American man in contemporary society. Kearney's first book, "Fear, Some," came out in 2006, and he has just pleted edits on his second, "The Black Automaton," due out next year."What Doug's articulating is the fragmentation of the self and sensibility that you see prominently in T.S. Eliot and 'The Waste Land,' " says USC professor David St. John, a champion of Kearney's work. "He's at the other end of the century, using a multicultural voice inflected with the concerns Rosetta Stone Software of what it means to be a young black man at this time and at this place." Kearney grew up in Altadena, attended Pasadena's John Muir High School and got his bachelor's degree from Howard University; he subsequently moved, with his wife-to-be, to San Diego. There, in a workshop that had poets read their work aloud, he began to think about the connection between text and performance."I really wanted to create work that would operate on the page and on the stage in a similar sort of way," he says. He honed his skills as a performance poet, thinking about the tensions between a spoken poem and a written one.What evolved is something Kearney calls "performative typography." In "The Black Automaton," a 2008 National Poetry Series winner, his poems splay out across the pages in an eruptive mix of font sizes and styles, with arrows inserting text and directing flow.Sprinkled throughout are pop culture references and quotes from rap songs -- which, in hip-hop fashion, Kearney calls "sampling." Some of these poems look like starbursts."Think of it as two-dimensional kaleidoscope of voice," St. John says, "a different kind of verbal energy." In the starburst poems, "the voice is shifting slightly, refracting as you go around; when the cylinder of the poem turns, there's a whole new experience of what the voices gather into."Kearney is also a librettist, which takes the issue of poetry and performance to another level. Over the summer, his collaboration with poser Anne LeBaron, "Sucktion" -- about a woman's cybererotic transformation by vacuum cleaner -- premiered at REDCAT."The moment you hear somebody else read your work, and they're happy to be doing so, it's stunning," he says. "This opera thing is great."Kearney's energy and enthusiasm spur a creative curiosity, not just about voice but about place. "I'm interested in writing about Los Angeles," he says, and particularly about the point "where violence and the entertainment industry meet."Lately, this has led him to a critical analysis of Hollywood, and of westerns in particular; a western libretto may be on the horizon. But his inquisitiveness could take him in any number of directions, following ideas like the crisscrossing arrows of his poems.Do the mysterious Whiting judges have a knack for finding America's best budding writers? Or does the size of the cash award give young authors the kind of financial footing they need at a critical point in their careers to focus on their work?When it es to Kearney, it's too soon to tell. But so far he is keeping his head down. "I'm trying to figure out a kind of language Rosetta Stone English that will allow me into writing some new poems," he says.Then, paraphrasing something he once heard from St. John, he repeats the mantra of a man who continues to push for the new: "Every new poem is an opportunity to destroy my career."Kellogg is lead blogger for Jacket Copy, The Times' book blog.
Suspect in killings of children called 'coldest person
The city police detective who interrogated two men accused of slashing the throats of three Rosetta Stone Language children last May said yesterday that the younger suspect was "the coldest person" he had ever interviewed. Sgt. Darryl Massey's testimony came during the second day of pretrial motions for Adan Canela, 18, and Policarpio Espinoza, 23. Both are charged with first-degree murder in the killings of Canela's young cousins, two 9-year-olds and a 10-year-old. Espinoza is an uncle of Canela and the dead children. Defense attorneys are trying to persuade a judge to keep a jury from hearing statements that Canela and Espinoza gave at police headquarters the night of and morning after the Northwest Baltimore killings. Espinoza told detectives that he and Canela drove to the children's apartment, and that he waited outside in his car for 40 minutes while Canela was "playing with the children," according to charging documents. Canela emerged shirtless from a rear window of the apartment, Espinoza told police, the documents say. Massey, a 25-year Baltimore police veteran, testified yesterday that when he informed Canela of Espinoza's audiotaped statement, the young man leaned back in his chair in an "arrogant and aggressive manner." Canela then told Massey something to the effect of "'Go get him. Let him e tell me what he said,'" the detective testified. Massey said Canela had a cold, fearless look on his face. "This was a person, in a sense, without a soul," he said. Canela refused to give a taped statement, Massey said. The men's native language is Spanish, but Massey testified yesterday that both seemed to understand English and spoke the language a few times during the interviews. Defense attorneys have argued that the statements they gave that night should be thrown out because the men were held in violation of their constitutional rights. Although police said they did not consider Canela Language Learning Software and Espinoza suspects when they arrived at police headquarters, they were placed in separate holding cells. But the doors to the cells were left open, and the men were not shackled or handcuffed, Massey testified. "If 91;they93; wanted to leave, 91;they93; could have left," Massey testified. No one asked to leave, he said. Before interviewing the men, Massey said, he had them review their rights to remain silent and to seek an attorney, and had them sign paperwork - which was in Spanish - agreeing that they were knowingly waiving those rights. The defendant's relatives - also the relatives of the victims - repeated yesterday after court that they believe the police have the wrong men. "We know that they are 100 percent innocent," said Victor Espinoza, Canela's father and Policarpio Espinoza's brother. "The police are not doing their job," he said, speaking in Spanish. "They haven't been looking for the people who are guilty. The lawyers haven't shown any strong evidence to prove that they 91;Adan and Policarpio93; are guilty." Testimony this week revealed that police became interested in Canela and Policarpio Espinoza at the crime scene, a Fallstaff apartment plex, after they gave what appeared to be contradictory statements as to their whereabouts that day. The older man told detectives that he had been working all day and then had gone to Fells Point with his nephew, Adan Canela, detectives testified. But Canela told them he and "Uncle Policarpio" had spent the day at home watching television before heading to Fells Point. Circuit Judge David B. Mitchell ruled that those statements can be presented to a jury. The trial is scheduled to start in June. Mitchell is set to rule Monday, after Rosetta Stone Italian hearing more testimony on the statements that the men gave at police headquarters. Sun staff writer Kelly Brewington contributed to this article.
Language Interpretation Certification Courses
Language interpretation is the art of communicating in the target language, what Rosetta Stone Outlet has been said in the source language. This is the job of an interpreter who is a linguist well versed with atleast two languages. An interpreter may be efficient enough to undertake interpretation in more than one language. In order to gain proficiency in interpretation, an interpreter has to professionally qualify by undergoing various certification courses, which are conducted by Vocational institutes, Colleges and Universities:-(1) Bachelors or Masters Degree, with a second language is a must. The chosen target language is usually one mother tongue. The Interpreter can obtain a degree from any of the recognized universities in the country. Second language undertaken by the interpreter at degree level can be treated as his source language in which he has obtained proficiency.(2) Source language will be a new foreign language for the interpreter. He has to make a choice between various foreign languages like Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French or any other foreign language.Subsequently, he has to undertake language certification courses conducted by any of the recognized colleges or institutes.The duration of these courses may vary from 6 months to 2 years. Internet is the best window for making oneself acquainted with various languages.(3) There are many colleges which provide short term certificate courses to students. Most students take the basic 揑ntroduction to Translation and Interpreting?course before applying for the certification courses. Students can usually complete the program in 1 ?2 years. Certificates are language-specific and are offered in various languages according to student demand. To apply for acceptance into the certificate programs, one must submit written and oral (taped) work in both English and the other language. Upon earning the Interpretation Certificate, students may consider taking professional Rosetta Stone Spanish Latin certification or accreditation tests such as the state court interpreter certification exam. BCC offers non-credit workshops in preparation for these exams. (4) An interpreter can also undertake American Sign Language certification courses enabling him to undertake interpretation in sign language for deaf and blind. The language certification courses are conducted by different countries as per their individual norms. Interpreters usually prefer to do the courses conducted by various colleges and institutes of their own countries. However, there are certain standard skills which are imparted to students during the course of this program. Some examples are:-?Memory retention and note taking skills?Ability to perform consecutive interpreting?Imparting problem solving and communication techniques to deal with the typical challenges of providing interpretation services ?Teach simultaneous interpretation and whispered interpretation ?Document translationThese courses typically integrate theory, principles and concepts with practical application and skills development. Their objective is to assist individuals in developing the introductory level competencies, skills, knowledge and attitudes- which are the pre-requisites of being a successful language interpreter. The courses are designed to benefit students who wish to begin a career in Rosetta Stone Spanish Latin interpretation, as well as those already working as interpreters who wish to upgrade their skills and obtain a college degree.
It is the coming together of the child's interests with those of the society
Inquiry Based LearningRosetta Stone Outlet can be used with children of all ages, but lower level students may have some difficulties in this style of learning. For very young learners, the content of the problem should be simplified in order for this approach to be more useful so that they can handle the inquiry process itself (Suchman, 1962). It is more advicable to use this approach with the higher level students since older students are better able to handle the inquiry process. Moreover, Orlich et al. (1990) point out that this approach is widely used in teaching science, because inquiry experiences can provide valuable opportunities for students to improve their understanding of both science content and scientific practices although inquiry learning can be applied to all disciplines. Also, it shouldn't be forgotten that further support for the use of IBL comes from the strong theoretical underpinnings of the approach including constructivism, problem based learning, project based learning and the like.The process of inquiring (see Table 1) begins with the teacher selecting a problem or a puzzling situation to the learner. Once a problem has been selected, the teacher conducts research on the problem. Then, she explains the process to the class and present the problem. The students gather data by questioning and they develop a theory. If the class accepts the theory as a solution, it is verified. After this step, the students explain the theory and state the rules associated with it. Afterwards, the students are expected to analyze the process to see how they can form more effective questioning techniques. Finally, the teacher tests to determine whether the students have understood the theory and whether they are able to generalize the rules to other situations or not.Table 1 : The Process of InquirySelect a Problem and Conduct ResearchIntroduce the ProcessRosetta Stone English and Present the ProblemGather DataDevelop a Theory and VerifyExplain the Theory and State the RulesAnalyze the ProcessEvaluate1.3. Characteristics of Inquiry Based LearningInquiry Based Learning is completely different from the traditional approaches in which not students but the teacher is in the center of the learning. It certainly requires a greater time than traditional teaching methods.As mentioned by Preskill and Torres (1999), the following are the characteristics of Inquiry Based Learning:IBL focuses students' inquiry on questions that are challenging, debatable and difficult to solve.It teaches students specific procedures, strategies, or processes essential to the attempts at answering the focus questions. It structures lessons to include opportunities for students to access information that is crucial to the inquiry.It structures the lessons so that students have opportunities to work with peers.It sequences a series of activities and lessons so that they work together involving students toward a general goal.It builds into lessons the opportunities for performance.It involves students in the process of deriving standards for performance.It relies on authentic assessment of learning.1.4. Inductive InquiryInductive Inquiry is a process that allows the students to observe specifics and then infer generalizations about the entire group of particulars. Orlich et al.(1990, p. 281) make a similar explanation of it in the following way: " Inductive Inquiry is a method that teachers use when they presentRosetta Stone Chinese sets of data or situations and then ask the students to infer a conclusion, generalization, or a pattern of relationships". Inductive Inquiry may be approached in at least two different ways: guided and unguided. Lee S.
Reasons For Learning Foreign Languages
Studying and learning foreign languages is no longer about having a better Rosetta Stone travelling experience. Before it pays to learn to speak the local or native language of a country you will be visiting to avoid any embarrassing and even sometimes insulting situations. Learning foreign languages is not just about getting the right directions, it is about making connections with people that have different languages, culture and history. Some people think that learning how to speak English would be enough, but actually the CIA World Fact Book cited that only 5.6 % of the global population speak English. The rest of the world speaks differently. Speaking English can no longer suffice the increasing demand for global communications and understanding. Research showed that learning another language would actually boost the knowledge of your own language. This would mean an increase in literacy, vocabulary, and better comprehension. There are studies showing that high school students who learned a different language have relatively better scores in their college entrance exams that those who do not study a second language. Learning a foreign language also gives an opportunity for an individual to broaden his educational horizons. There are many educational opportunities abroad than we can explore. It would not only help us transcend cultural boundaries, but it will also help us understand subjects and concepts associated with the language.Whenever we are learning a different language, it is part of being knowledgeable in it to also understand the underlying cultural values and structures of the people. In addition to that, most literary, music and other artistic milestones are not written in English. To fully appreciate Rosetta Stone Latin America Spanish and understand a literary work, it needs to be read and understood on its original form. Language becomes a window where we could see and understand the context of a country's culture. This is important, especially if your have some business deals with foreigners. You would need to understand their culture, so you could build trust, cooperate and compromise with them. Another good reason for you to start learning foreign language will be the career opportunities for a multilingual professional. Here are some fields where speaking anther language could give you a head start: ?Social services work as a social worker, criminology and law enforcement, school counsellor, drug abuse counsellor, occupational health care, income maintenance counsellor. ?Business and Finance work as an accountant, administration, economist ?Communications work as reporter, journalist, publisher, editor ?Education work as a teacher whether it is in elementary, secondary or college level ?Government work as a translator or interpreter especially for diplomatic foreign services Learning a foreign language became a great advantage in looking for a career in this period of globalization. In business transactions, we cannot avoid the need of communicating in the language of the foreign business partners. Learning about foreign languages would help you promote your business in other countries effectively. If you want to build long and solid business ties and relationships in other countries, then you would need to be familiar with their language. In this era of globalization, countries and people are forging closer connections. Learning foreign languages would help you build a global understanding. But learning how to speak in a foreign language should not be just to brag about it. Learning and mastering a foreign language should manifest when we start thinking in Rosetta Stone Spanish Spain it and embracing the culture and history that comes with it.
Ruben Gonzalez Dies
Ruben Gonzalez, whose unique way with the piano fused an angularjazzy Rosetta Stone V3 approach with an open invite to the dance floor, diedyesterday in Havana; he was eighty-four.That duality -- making music both sophisticated and sexual --prompted Ry Cooder to claim that Gonzalez was a "cross bweenThelonious Monk and Felix the Cat." There was also an element ofJimmy Hoffa, as Gonzalez seemed to drop off the face of the earthfor years and thought dead before he was re-discovered and usheredtowards unlikely fe as part of the Buena Vista Social Clubphenomenon.Gonzalez was born in April 1919 in Santa Clara, Cuba. His motherpushed him towards piano lessons, but music bece a hobby aspursued a career in medicine. In 1941 he ditched his studies Rosetta Stone Spanish Spain todevote himself to music full time. Gonzalez played with numerousCuban luminaries including Arsenio Rodriguezs ensemble, where heserved until 1946.Starting in the early Sixties, he joined King of the Cha ChaCha, Enrique Jorrin, with whom he played for more than two decadesuntil Jorrins death in 1987. Shortly thereafter, Gonzalezrired.In 1996, an arthritic Gonzalez stumbled onto one of Coodersrecording sessions in Havana. He quickly loosened up his joints andrecaptured his old magic, becoming an integral part of the 1996Buena Vista Social Club album, which garnered him anunexpected degree of international stardom.In addition to the BVSC record, Gonzalez toured theworld with the crew of silver-haired lost legends, appeared ontheir respective solo albums, and released a pair of his own onNonesuch, 1997s Introducing . . . Ruben Gonzalez and2000s Chanchullo."Theres tremendous talent in Cuba, like [Compay] Segundo, like[Ibrahim] Ferrer, like [Manuel] Galban and like Gonzalez," Coodertold Rosta Stone earlier this year, "and I think therealways has been. Whher well see the likes of anything like thisagain, I doubt it. The world is a different Rosetta Stone Spanish V3 place now. This kind ofexpression, emotional expression, they just dont grow people likhis anymore."
The Cast of Its Always Sunny
Stephen Colbert on ReligionWould your fily all sing carols on Christmas Eve?Sure, wed process Rosetta Stone through the house, and we still do it. My fily is 50 people now nieces and nephews and that sort of thing and we process from the youngest to the oldest. The youngest puts the baby Jesus in the manger on Christmas Eve and we sing "Silent Night." Its very traditional.Does faith still play a big part in your life?Very much. I highly variable in my devotion. From a doctrinal point of view or a dogmatic point of view or a strictly Catholic Rosetta Stone Italian adherent point of view, Im first to say that I talk a good ge, but I dont know how good I about it in practice. I saw how my mothers faith was very valuable to her and valuable to my brothers and sisters, and Im moved by the words of Christ, and Ill leave it at that.But you do teach Sunday school?I teach the seven year olds. Im the catechist for their first communion.More Fall TV in Rosta Stone:Before the Report: Stephen Colberts RiseVideo: The Cast of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia at Comic-ConVideo: The Kids of Glee on Their Favorite Performances From the Upcoming SeasonTV on the Cover of Rosta StoneRead "The Subversive Rosetta Stone Korean Joy of Stephen Colbert" in our new issue. Plus, track Colberts rise from skch shows to erican hero in Before the Report.
The Best Music You're Not Hearing Today
As we previously reported, a coalition of Intern radio Rosetta Stone outlet outls has gone silent today to protest a massive increase in royalty rates s to go into effect July 15. The SaveNRadio coalition, which includes massive portals like Yahoo! Radio (which attracts more listeners than the biggest terrestrial stations) as well as hundreds of smaller outls, say most of its members would be forced to go silent for good if the new rates are made official. At a time when the music industry needs all the help it can g, that would be a tragedy: These outls represent some of the best and most innovative ways to discover new music out there. Here are three we would miss the most:1. Pandora: The Music Genome Project -- which sounds like it should be the focus of a rock-centric Lost spin-off -- has earned legions of devotees for Rosetta Stone Arabic creating an innovative way to discover new music. Users begin by selecting songs they like, and, based on a several research-intensive criteria, Pandora stres other songs it thinks youll like, creating a free, customized radio station. Users can refine the station by voting songs on or off the playlist. Pandora says about 10 percent of its millions of users click on links to buy music on iTunes and azon.2. Woxy: For twenty years, Oxford, Ohios 97X-WOXY was cited as one of the best rock radio stations in the country. In 2004, it bece a victim of corporate radio consolidation and moved to the Web, where it maintains a reputation for impeccable taste. The top-ten includes the likes of Queens of the Stone Age, the New Pornographers, Wilco and Voxtrot, while hipster stars like Clap Your Hands Say Yeah and Cold War Kids routinely stop by the studio to play live ss. Its everything that was once great about radio.3. Vault Radio: The radio component of wolfgangsvault -- a massive trove of live concert recordings -- this outl maintains a constant stre of killer vintage gigs featuring everyone from Bruce Springsteen and the Rosetta Stone French Allman Brothers to the Rones and Patti Smith.Go here for a more comple reference of outls participating in the Day of Silence.
There the former president penned his memoirs
Lee dispatched a letter, writing, "Could I have directed events, I would have chosen for Rosetta Stone outlet the good of the country to be disabled in your stead." Jackson initially appeared to be healing, but he died from pneumonia on May 10, 1863, at the age of 39. Southerners mourned the death of their war hero, while Lee faced fighting the war without a highly valued general and comrade. Jackson was buried in Lexington, Virginia. The PlateauThe Plateau culture area sat in the Columbia and Fraser river basins at the intersection of the Subarctic, the Plains, the Great Basin, the California and the Northwest Coast (present-day Idaho, Montana and eastern Oregon and Washington). Most of its people lived in small, peaceful villages along stream and riverbanks and survived by fishing for salmon and trout, hunting and gathering wild berries, roots and nuts. In the southern Plateau region, the great majority spoke languages derived from the Penutian (the Klamath, Klikitat, Modoc, Nez Perce, Walla Walla and Yakima or Yakama). North of the Columbia River, most (the Skitswish (Coeur dAlene), Salish (Flathead), Spokane and Columbia) spoke Salishan dialects.In the 18th century, other native groups brought horses to the Plateau. The regions inhabitants quickly integrated the animals into their economy, expanding the radius of their hunts and acting as traders and emissaries between the Northwest and the Plains. In 1805, the explorers Lewis and Clark passed through the area, drawing increasing numbers of disease-spreading Rosetta Stone Japanese white settlers. By the end of the 19th century, most of the remaining Plateau Indians had been cleared from their lands and resettled in government reservations. Although he was eligible to run for another presidential term, Truman announced in March 1952 that he would not do so. In that years general election, Democrat Adlai Stevenson (1900-1965), the governor of Illinois, was defeated by Republican Dwight Eisenhower.Harry Truman's Final YearsAfter Eisenhowers inauguration in January 1953, Harry and Bess Truman traveled by train from Washington to their home in Independence. There the former president penned his memoirs, met with visitors, continued his habit of brisk daily walks and Rosetta Stone Portuguese raised funds for the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library, which opened in Independence in 1957.Truman died at age 88 on December 26, 1972, in Kansas City, Missouri. He was buried in the courtyard of the Truman Library. His wife, who died at age 97 in 1982, was buried beside him.
Almost all (96%) of theEnglish language schools/centres provided guidance
Almost all (96%) of theEnglish language schools/centres provided guidance to theirinternational students on Rosetta Stone software prerequisites for tertiarystudy.Almost all English language schools/centresassessed the English language capability of theirinternational students - Almost all (96%) of the Englishlanguage schools/centres reported assessing internationalstudents for their English language capability.- MostEnglish language schools/centres who assessed internationalstudents reported this was done by an ESOL specialist (65%).- The majority of English language schools/centresindicated that these assessments focused on the students listening (79%), speaking (75%), reading (71%), writing (79%), and grammar (81%) abilities, with vocabulary (67%) focused on to a slightly lesserextent.- At the time of assessment, an average of 46% ofthe international students in English languageschools/centres were reported to have English languagelevels at the beginner or elementary level, although anaverage of 40% were reported to be at the intermediate level (Table 19). Table 19: English language levels attime of assessment by provider typeS2, Q3. In youropinion, what were the English language levels of theseinternational students when they were first assessed? AllEnglish language schools with ffp students Private Englishlanguage school Language school/centre withintertiaryn45 n23 n22Mean % Mean % Mean%Beginner level 12 16 8Elementary level 34 3434Intermediate level 40 41 40Advanced level 14 918Total 100 100 100Note: Components may not always addto 100% exactly because of rounding. Caution: low basenumber of respondents - results are indicative only.Thistable is the same as Table 128 in Volume 2 of this report.The majority of English language schools/centres hadcross-cultural awareness programmes - The majority (70%)of the English language schools/centres had cross-culturalawareness programmes to help integrate internationalstudents (Table 20).Table 20: Cross-cultural awarenessprogrammes by provider typeS4, Q1. Does your organisationhave any formal or informal programmes (beyond thoseincorporated in English Language teaching programmes) todevelop cross-cultural awareness to help integrateinternational students? All English language schools withffp students Private English language school Rosetta Stone Spain Spanish Languageschool/centre within tertiaryn50 n25 n25% %%Yes 70 68 72No 30 32 28No response - - -Total100 100 100Note: Components may not always add to 100%exactly because of rounding. Caution: low base number ofrespondents - results are indicative only.This table isthe same as Table 147 in Volume 2 of this report. - Thesecross-cultural programmes in English language schools/centres most commonly involved encouraging students toparticipate in extra-curricular activities including sports(37%), orientation programmes or activities (34%), andsocial events such as dinners (17%).- The large majority(83%) of English language schools/centres indicated thatthey used the understandings or knowledge of theirinternational students in the curriculum.- Theseunderstandings and knowledge were most commonly used in cultural exchange activities or programmes.Englishlanguage schools/centres employed an average of 26.4 ESOLstaff - English language schools/centres employed a meanof 26.4 ESOL staff. On average, these comprised 12.8permanent full-time, 7.3 non-permanent full-time, 3.1permanent part-time, 2.9 non-permanent part-time, and staff(Table 21).Table 21: ESOL staff by provider typeS5,Q1. How many staff does your organisation currently employto teach ESOL or provide specialist ESOL support? AllEnglish language schools with ffp students Private Englishlanguage school Language school/centre withintertiaryn49 n25 n24Mean Mean MeanPermanentfull-time staff 12.8 13.3 12.3Non-permanent full-timestaff 7.3 6.2 8.5Permanent part-time staff 3.1 3.22.9Non-permanent part-time staff 2.9 2.2 3.6Total mean26.4 25.0 27.8Note: Components may not always add Rosetta Stone English to 100%exactly because of rounding. Caution: low base number ofrespondents - results are indicative only.This table isthe same as Table 184 in Volume 2 of this report.
With many of thespeakers elderly
With many of thespeakers elderly, and already over a dozen languages lostwhen Rosetta Stone outlet epidemics ravaged the islands in the early 20thCentury, some of the remaining languages will soon begone.Tape is one of these languages - with only 10-15elderly speakers remaining. Naman is spoken by only 20people. Unua-Pangkumu and Aulua are two languages withabout 800 speakers each. Although substantially more thanTape and Naman, the future of both languages remainsuncertain.Conserving these endangered languages will helpconstruct a wider understanding of how the languages of thePacific inter-relate, and contribute to our overallunderstanding of how language has developed.Researcher:Professor Terry Crowley (away on Malakula until October 30)Department of General and Applied Linguistics University ofWaikatoAssociates: Dr Elizabeth Pearce, VictoriaUniversity of Wellington, Dr Martin Paviour-Smith, MasseyUniversityFunding: Year 1: $113,000 Year 2: $110,000 Year 3: $110,000WHAT LIES BENEATH Magma in the TaupoVolcanic ZoneThe discovery of magma at the heart of NewZealand's volcanic zone will give geologists a world-classopportunity to study the earth's behaviour.Not previouslyseen in a continental rift setting, the magma feeds the Central North Island's volcanoes, and will give geologistsan exciting opportunity to explore the mechanics ofcontinent formation.Using explosives to cause artificialearthquakes, a research team lead by Associate Professor TimStern of the Victoria University of Wellington will use theresults to uncover the structure and shape of the earthbeneath us, and predict how it could move and erupt in thefuture.Principal Researcher: Associate Professor TimStern, School of Earth Sciences, Victoria University ofWellington Associates: Dr Stephen Bannister, IGNSProfessor John Gamble, University College, Cork, Ireland DrDavid Okaya, Dept of Earth Sciences University of SouthernCalifornia Professor Euan Smith, School of Earth Sciences,Victoria Rosetta Stone Japanese University of WellingtonFunding: $200,000 peryear for three years STICK INSECTS STICK AROUNDIt'sbeen a while since some stick insects had sex. Say, a fewmillion years. So, how do they manage to - well, stickaround?Out of New Zealand's 22 species of stick insect,one group (Acanthoxyla) has seven species that clonethemselves to survive. Asexual species have been believed tobe evolutionary dead because not only don't they adapt, but eventually mutations in the gene stock accumulateuntil the species dies out.But it appears that thesestick insects may have been going strong for more than amillion years. And, despite not having sexual reproductionto rely on, several different species of asexual stickinsect have evolved - an extremely rare event in animalbiology. What's going on?Dr Thomas Buckley is determinedto find out. The recipient of a Marsden Fund Fast-Startgrant for recently-graduated researchers, he will collectand examine genetic variation in the New Zealand stickinsects. Then, he will look at what has happened to theirclose cousins - stick insects that do reproduce sexually.With his results, he hopes to find out why some stickinsects are sexy, and some aren't. Researcher: Dr ThomasBuckley Landcare Research, AucklandAssociate: Dr BenjaminNormark, University of MassachusettsFunding: $50,000 peryear for two years SPERM SECRETS STUDIED New researchinto sperm may ultimately lead to treatment for infertile couples.In 1978 the first Rosetta Stone Portuguese IVF baby was born and the dreamof family life became a reality for many. But the search toimprove fertility has never ceased.Now, 25 years later,Dr Larry Chamley and Dr Andrew Shelling of the Departmentof Obstetrics and Gynaecology want to know if SPRASA - a protein they discovered last year - will help.
The Chilean Earthquake and God's Wrath
As the world reacts to the monstrous earthquake off the coast of Chile, one Rosetta Stone voice remains curiously quiet. Without Marion Gordon "Pat" Robertson to guide us, we are unable to decipher why god has caused this particular calamity. According to religious prognosticators, sinners will suffer the wrath of god in the form of earthquakes as biblical punishment for their errant ways. The declarations and explanations of such divine calamities always come after the fact, but let us not have such annoying details get in our way. Nobody is more out front in decoding god's will than Robertson, he declared that the devastating earthquake in Haiti was a consequence of Haitians making a pact with the devil. Robertson also believed that Hurricane Katrina was god's punishment for legalized abortion, and that Florida's weather woes are due to the state's support for Gay Days at Disneyland. So we must therefore ask the great "broadcaster, humanitarian, author, Christian, businessman, statesman" from Lexington, Virginia, for what sins did the citizens of Anchorage, Alaska, suffer for the quake of 1964? I remember not any declaration of god's intent from that event. And Rosetta Stone Chinese now of course we must query Robertson on the divine meaning of the massive earthquake in Chile. Perhaps their sin is naming a country after a pepper, and then misspelling it.These most recent efforts to interpret god's intent based on man's experience raises the question of how well we have done historically in predicting or deducing the divine plan. A favorite is to claim knowledge of the End of Days as a consequence of natural events. Predictions of the Apocalypse or its equivalent have in fact been a common theme throughout history. But the record for accuracy is not particularly pretty. An error rate of 100% (after all, we are still here) should call into question the legitimacy of the enterprise, but alas, that is not the case. The likes of Pat Robertson never tire of pretending to know the mind of the infinite being conjured from their imagination. Let's see how we've fared over the past 150 years.Xhosa GirlIn South Africa, in 1856, a young Xhosa girl went to fetch water at a local stream. There, she claimed to meet strangers from the spirit world. Excited, she returned with her uncle, Umhlakaza, who spoke with the same spirit world reps. From this encounter, Uncle Umhlakaza came back with an important message. At the time of this ghostly meeting, the Xhosa tribe was battling the Rosetta Stone French English. The spirits told Umhlakaza that to succeed in driving out the foreigners, his tribesman must kill every animal in their herds, and destroy every kernel of corn so carefully stored in their granaries.
Meditations: Breakthroughs in Human Consciousness
Meditations - From MartinLeFevre in California Breakthroughs in HumanConsciousness Rosetta Stone The line betweenproto-humans, humans, and human beings is a nebulous one,but I see three stages in our random evolutionary path to amature species. Three very different orders of consciousnesscharacterize these stages. We're somewhere in the messymiddle of the last stage, though our successful transitionis by no means assured.About seven million years ago, thehominids diverged from chimpanzees, which led to a branchingbush of bipedal primates, one circuitous line of whicheventually became Homo sap. If that seems impossibly remote,consider that the chimp genome is closer to the human genomethan it is to the gorilla's. That means that we share moregenes in common with chimps than chimps share with gorillas.If God created man in his image, then God is aprimate.Even before proto-humans walked onto the stage,there was a long period of walking apes, the robust andgracile australopithecines. The 40% complete skeleton of"Lucy," which is over 3 million years old, belongs to thisperiod. So do the Laetoli footprints, the well preservedtracks of three individuals walking across a recent ashfallin Tanzania nearly 4 million years ago. With theemergence of Homo habilus, we have the first evidence ofconscious tool manufacture, about two and a half millionyears ago. The first tools were crude and opportunistic, butthey demonstrate a mental capacity that apes don't possess.Self-conscious thought was still a long way off. But thedeliberate fabrication of tools is the first sign ofhumankind's prodigious capacity for premeditated learningand manipulation of the environment, with all thedestructiveness that has attended it since the IndustrialAge.This first stage of intentional tool Rosetta Stone Hindi V3 manufacture,called Oldowan after Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, was producedby proto-humans with a brain 50% larger than that of theapes. This was the dawn of consciousness. Since "ontogenyrecapitulates phylogeny" (the development of an individualparallels the development of a species), a clue to thatconsciousness can be found by observing young children.Clearly, like language, self-awareness is a pre-programmeddevelopmental stage, whereas the inculcation of self-imageand group identification is learned. (Which is to say thatimage and identity production are deeply entrenched habitsof mind.)About a million and half years ago, more complexform of tool manufacture, Acheulean, emerged. Theall-purpose handaxe Homo erectus used for hundreds ofthousands of years required a "mental template" to fashion,thus indicating a new level of intellectualcapacity.During this enormously long time--from about twoand a half million years until about 100,000 yearsago--human consciousness did not fundamentally change. Thereis an astonishing stability and sameness to thearcheological record during this period, which includestools, dwellings, and undoubtedly culture. Therefore it'slogical to suppose that consciousness did not fundamentallychange either. Though Acheulean tools require a few monthsfor a modern person to learn how to make, proto-humanconsciousness was simple and repetitive in its scope.Thebreakthrough came just 100,000 years ago, when a small andendangered proto-human population in Africa developed thecapacity for diverse languages and cultures as we know them,as well as for art, science, and sophisticated technology.These were the first true humans, and mostpaleo-anthropologists agree that they displaced theproto-human species in Africa, Europe, and Asia overthousands of years. ("Hobbits" on a remote Indonesian islandnotwithstanding!) Every culture, race, and nation thatexists on earth today is a direct descendent of that small,pioneering population of Africans who made the transition toa new consciousness.Human consciousness appears to beguided by the principle of "punctuated equilibrium," inwhich periods of relative stability and gradual change areinterrupted by breakthroughs Rosetta Stone Portuguese that produce new adaptations inan evolving species. Taking that view, rather than humankindascending in an ever-increasing upward arc of knowledge andconsciousness, we are actually descending in an acceleratingspiral of intensifying crisis, with each turn of history'swheel producing more and more pressure for a breakthrough inconsciousness. The first human consciousness laid thefoundation in expanding brain size and generationallearning.
This funding was an initial contribution toaddress some immediate funding issues to better enableuniversities to remain internationally competitive
I amvery pleased with the way the various parties with differentperspectives have come together and workedcollaboratively.All three parties have a commitment tohelp address the funding issues of universities, with a viewto increasing the quality of teaching Rosetta Stone and research. I lookforward to continuing my discussions with you and theVice-Chancellors over the next year. As we move toimplement the tertiary reforms we will look to what othersteps we can take to strengthen the long-term sustainabilityof universities and create the conditions that will fosterexcellent teaching and research. You have asked for mycomments on restructuring underway in a number ofinstitutions. I expect - and even welcome - the idea ofchange.I am not a conservative and I do not believe weshould strive to keep everything exactly as itis.Institutions have to adapt to changing circumstance,change is necessary and integral to the success of thereforms I've talked about today.Some of the restructuringanticipates the reforms. Many institutions are alreadyconsidering how they could best meet stakeholder needs inthe future. Some would be made anyway. But the bestplace for those decisions to be made is within theinstitutions themselves.The day a minister begins todecide which courses should be offered by institutions willbe the day autonomy .Universities are autonomous bylegislation, governed by their own councils, and I hope youwill jealously defend their autonomy.University Councilshave to reflect the community they serve and everyone whohas a stake.The Vice Chancellor is the legal employer ofuniversity staff. It would therefore be inappropriate forthe Tertiary Education Commission, the minister or anyoneelse to intervene in internal decisions.The role of thetertiary minister is to ensure that the system is focusedand resourced to contribute positively to our store ofknowledge, our research and our skills.The reforms I'vetalked about today will improve the way universities andother tertiary institutions operate and contribute.Thereare still a number of areas of work that need further inputfrom stakeholders, including the AUS, before the system isfully Rosetta Stone Chinese implemented in 2008. I know you will let me knowwhere you think we can do better.Before I conclude, I dofind myself wondering how I would receive this speech to youtoday if I was sitting on the other side of the lectern andstill a university academic. In my day, the greatest extentto which my learned colleagues and I discussed tertiaryeducation policy and funding was when fiercely competingwith each other in the Staff Club as to which of ourrespective fields of research and teaching was of moreimportance to students, parents, New Zealanders, ourinternational peers, we could debate on and on. Therewas always an underlying assumption that tertiary education,particularly higher education, was of utmost importance toour community of scholars, students, our country.Ibelieve that this government's underpinning philosophy forthe tertiary reforms is no different today, than our StaffClub musings then.The question behind the framework forthe tertiary reforms is how New Zealands higher educationsystem can contribute to our country's economic development,our strategies for improving the skills and productivity ofthe workforce, working with business to find innovative waysof creating value and harnessing new technologies to improveeconomic performance.While I may have previously seenthis philosophy as being purely utilitarian, be assured thatthis government does not take a narrow, utilitarian view totertiary education (there are, after all, at least threepeople around the Cabinet table who are all students andteachers of a general liberal education).A high qualitytertiary education system includes universities that canmeasure and indicate their success comparatively to anyother university in the world, will be a custodian of ourdiverse cultures, languages, history and worldviews. This isa key foundation to strengthening our great country'snational identity.Quality teaching and research in Rosetta Stone French thetertiary system will not only bring economic benefits to thebeholder but improve social outcomes and personal wellbeing, and is essential to the development, health andsecurity of New Zealand families, young and old. Thankyou.
Life-long commitment to language
Life-long commitment to language The day a young WiremuDoherty Rosetta Stone outlet started school he stood out from his fellow Maoristudents - he could speak Maori.Unlike most of his peers,Wiremu was taught Maori, and not English, as a firstlanguage at home. The first time he encountered English waswhen he started school at the age of five.Being able tospeak Maori, but not English, was unusual for children ofWiremus generation. At the time, according to Wiremu, inthe late 1960s and early 1970s many parents believed theirchildren would benefit more from learning English as opposedto Te Reo.Wiremu says the use of Te Reo in the educationsystem had been actively discouraged and the teachers atmy school could not quite believe there were people whocould not speak English. This shows the lack of importanceMaori played, for some, in the school system at thetime. Before starting school Wiremu lived in the remoteTuhoe iwi community of Nga Putahi in the Urewera Ranges,where he never encountered anyone who spoke anything butMaori. We were completely isolated from the outsideworld, with no television or radio. Everything Rosetta Stone Arabic I learnt wasfrom a Tuhoe perspective. I did not even know people spokeany other languages apart from Maori. This earlygrounding in his native tongue ignited a sense of pride inthe language in Wiremu, and also laid the foundation for acareer promoting the use of Te Reo Maori.After years as ateacher and principal at kura kaupapa or Maori languageschools, Wiremu is now head of Te Tari Matauranga Maori,Manukau Institute of Technologys Department of MaoriEducation, and is currently completing a PhD in MataurangaMaori.Wiremu feels he is privileged and fortunate to havelearnt Te Reo Maori as a first language when many of hispeers did not have the opportunity. My generation hadlost the language, he says.Although Wiremu is pleasedwith the current resurgence in the use of Te Reo Maori, hebelieves much has been lost from the language. Much ofthe richness, nuances and vibrancy of a language is lost ifit is learnt as a second language. Modern-day Maori hasa different sentence structure, which has been influenced byEnglish, than when Wiremu learnt the language, hesays. When I hear young people speak Maori, I hearMaori words, but English sentenceconstruction. However, Wiremu acknowledges that suchchanges are part of the ongoing development of a language. Languages have to evolve and develop tosurvive. Events such as Maori Language Week - for whichTe Tari Matauranga is spearheading celebrations at MIT from24 July - are important in keeping the language vibrant andalive, says Wiremu. Maori Language Week is a greatstart. I hope it helps change peoples perception of whatTe Reo Maori means for New Zealand. MITs Te TariMatauranga Maori offers a range of programmes that emphasisethe importance of biculturalism and an understanding ofMaori in Rosetta Stone French the workplace, including diploma and certificatecourses in Maori language immersion.Maori Language Weekhas been celebrated since 1975 and is coordinated by TeTaura Whiri i Te Reo Maori/Maori Language Commission, TePuni Kokiri/Ministry of Maori Development and Te Kahui TikaTangata/Human RightsCommission.
Improve the way government agencies conduct their business
The service shouldalso improve the way government agencies conduct their business. It Rosetta Stone will be considerably less costly for thetaxpayer by reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings andtime consuming repeat visits to agencies.How will thegovernment agencies use the service?It will be used intwo ways. Firstly, a government agency participating inthe pilot will be able to connect to the service when anethnic person phones the agency and is able to communicatethe language they speak. A considerable amount of educationis being done in ethnic communities about the languagesavailable through the service, and the need to communicatethe language spoken to the six participatingagencies.However, the service is also expected to beuseful to government agencies when ethnic people come intothe office. Providing the ethnic person can point to thelanguage they speak on a specially designed chart, theagency will be able to contact Language Line and conduct aface-to-face interview. Why not just focus on teachingEnglish?Learning English takes time but for new migrantsobtaining work, organising housing and other needs are anurgent priority. The Government wants to ensure thatlanguage is not a barrier to ethnic people settlingeffectively. English improves through everyday livingexperiences as well as in formal class settings. Learningto talk directly with government agencies without a supportperson or advocate, ensures non-English speakers gainconfidence in expressing their needs and making themselvesunderstood to officials. Hearing an interpreter repeatphrase by phrase in English what they are saying in theirown language, assists people to put in practice the Englishthey are learning in ESOL classes.Providing a telephoneinterpreting service also recognises that there will alwaysbe people for whom English is a second language andsomething they struggle with when communicating over complexor stressful matters.Why only a pilot?We don't knowthe full extent of the demand for the service and we won'tknow until the service has been running for some time andits availability is known throughout New Zealand's ethniccommunities. How much will the pilot cost and how will itbe paid for?Funding Rosetta Stone Chinese of nearly $1 million has beencontributed by the six participating agencies and by theMigrant Levy.Why only six agencies?The six agenciesparticipating in the pilot are the Police, Department ofInternal Affairs, Accident Compensation Corporation, HousingNew Zealand, Work and Income and the ImmigrationService.These agencies have been chosen because each havelarge operations throughout New Zealand and operate indifferent ways, some focusing on personal contact atneighbourhood centres or by home visits, and some have largenational call centres. By limiting the pilot to these sixdifferent agencies, we can more accurately measure the bestprovision of interpreting service for all types of agenciesin the future.Why not agencies in other areas, such asthe health sector?Some areas of the health sector haveresponded well to the need for interpreting, particularlywhere there are legal issues of informed consent to medicalprocedures. Some District Health Boards (DHBs) haveinterpreting services, mainly working face to face. It isalso open to them to contract their interpreting services toother DHBs or indeed other health services. The LanguageLine is not intended to duplicate where there are existinginitiatives.Why those 30 languages?One aim of thepilot will be to establish the level of demand for thedifferent languages.The first 30 languages have beenchosen for a number of reasons: - high volume highproportion of non English speakers with fewer Englishspeakers of that language to support them (Census resultshave provided this information) very differentspoken/written language from English, thus speakers takelonger to learn English very different experience ofgovernment in the country of origin, thus speakers takelonger to understand how to use our agencies are the keylanguages of refugees or those from traumatic situations whohave high settlement needs.When will the service beavailable?It will be available between 10 am and 6pm,Monday to Friday. Research shows this is the period in whichmost people access government agencies.Outside normaloffice operating times, staff may not be available toprovide the information people are Rosetta Stone French seeking. If there areemergency situations, the agency may be able to contactother interpreters.
Electronic Language Translators Why you require one
Ever think about you may travel around the globe nicely the primary thing you will Rosetta Stone software require beside a budget would be to consider electronic language translators and change your entire life? Lots of individuals have already done that. Most never get past the daydream stage. Many lacked the will to research, learn and get moving, so are even now just dreaming.Hmm. Are those really valid factors? Did they really appear at the positive side? Did we think about the "pro" side or simply the "con" side? Perhaps we ought to have a look at that. You will find really five reasons why you ought to consider electronic language translators when planning a trip to a foreign country which should maybe be examined.Very first, consider how great it will be if you could ask a person on the street in Paris for directions back to your hotel, in french. Without ever having to speak a word of french yourself. This is the wonder of the electronic language translators. A lot of people think that they are just too difficult to utilize because they're electronic and there are individuals who are scared of electronics. I am hear to tell you they're easy some even featuring 1 button operation. Even should Rosetta Stone Italian you can not set the clock on your DVD player you will probably be able to use a electronic language translators.Second, In most electronic language translators you can store your favorite phrases. The primary reason behind that will be easy access to common phrases which you will use a great deal. Plus it makes the device a lot simpler to utilize with 1 button operation as soon as its set upThird, the electronic language translators will speak the phrases for you. As well as it makes it much easier to say phrases as soon as you hear them first!Fourth, the battery in your electronic language translator will last a long time many people are reporting 12 to 15 hours of use.And Fifth, electronic language translators exactly where as soon as only for the affluent but now they're very affordable to everyone.As soon as you look into the reasons and evaluate them, I expect which you might need to admit that a compelling case can be made for thinking about the very best way to owning electronic language translators.Just consider it. Perhaps you really should think about electronic language translators.As soon as you believe about each of the factors and evaluate them, you'll Rosetta Stone Japanese have to admit that a very compelling case can be created for beginning to consider the very best method to purchase an electronic language translator.Just believe it over. Maybe, just maybe, you really, in all seriousness, ought to believe about electronic language translators.
foreign language et may perhaps look outdated but is not really ancient furniture. The control is o - Computers
foreign language et may perhaps look outdated but is not really ancient furniture. The control is often a foot pump at the side of the bed. Vist the author's site for more information about these unique bedwforeign languageetting diapers and Rosetta Stone why kids love them bedwettingsite/underjams/ new: If it is Xmas time, there is no query of hesitating. If you are building a structure like a summer house, the shed base is equally important to constructions like these. The less gas or electricity you use, the fewer natural resources your home depletes, allowing you to play your part in helping the planet.When someone uses a vent system to blow the air around their home, they c From working as an employer to selling some stuff.Truth: The reason many think granite can?t be prepared is because it doesn?t break easily or often ? so they?re simply not aware of how to fix it. Sponge where the direction of the nap goes, and put a few towels under the stained spot to keep the floor from getting wet.Another race could be to 'Wrap Mummy' in which each team gets a couple of rolls of paper kitchen towel and they have to wrap up someone like a mummy as a gift. Copper rain chains have the great ability to get the attention of a large number of people who take the task the renovating their homes very seriously.uk/genuine-miele-type-fjm-bags. Some well known bed manufacturing companies have also Rosetta Stone Italian started manufacturing electric adjustable bed. These can be adjusted to change the shape or profile of the bed according to the needs of the individual. Just ensure that you have first Even at church yesterday I said to my husband did you notice I was not squirming around attempting to discover a place to maintain my leg from hurting.Learn more about Ipe Porch Decking and other ipe decking products. Your words helped a lot with my Choice.uk/genuine-miele-type-fjm-bags. A legitimate license also adds up to its credibility and reputation as a business. They are able to incorporate paint schemes that match with appliances and electrical features. The result is a unique layered and blended look using the Casting method. Maybe you have some memories of baskets when you were young. Using the smoke derived from typically burning wood or other plant substances the food is cooked, here is the process known as smoking. Sincerely, Marie St.ver Washington, NW Pain Institute gives the most Rosetta Stone Korean scientifically evidence-based care in a relaxed, warm, and caring atmosphere. Most integrated washing machines have a capacity size between 4kg to 6kg, and these units operate in a quiet manner and are more energy-efficient compared to the other types of washing machines.Phoenix locals often warn visitors to never drink the tap water due to its taste, smell, and perceived negative quality. They are constructed with a soft absorbent cloth like material which limits the "rustling" sound which regular diapers can make. The benefits of an Arizona Tankless Water Heater are endless, especially since they provide hot water only as needed. Virtually every color scheme is available for the selection process. Traditional storage water heaters produce standby energy losses that end up costing you money in the long run. Failure to do so will result in warping, buckling, and cupping. Some men and women choose to do the complete approach by on their own devoid of hiring any skilled, whereas the majority [ Rosetta Stone Software ] of the people choose to call a specialized for help.The Rib-o-lator was invented out of frustration. new: It can be a very stressful time for an older child who is still wetting the bed at night. Call us right now at (253) 922-5700 or visit our web site at Seldens. Sandless Amarillo.
Problems in Learning the English Language
As the world grows smaller through advanced communications technology, the Rosetta Stone demand for English language instruction has increased. Learning any foreign language is hard work. English is one of the hardest for students around the world. Even native speakers of English battle with its inconsistencies and exceptions. PronunciationEnglish is different to learn because of the irregular rules or lack of rules regarding pronunciation. Vowel sounds are variable: The letter "a" sounds different in the words "map," "ate," and "caught." In Spanish, "a" always makes the same sound. Difficulty in pronunciation, comprehension and spelling may Rosetta Stone Italian result. Consonants create similar problems. For example, "g" and the last "h" make no sound in "though." Readers may be confused when they read a word with a silent "p," as in "psychology." Overall, consonants in English are less variable than vowels but have a wider variety of pronunciations in other languages.SpellingD Ifferences in pronunciation affect spelling. Leaving the silent "k" off the word "know" results in an entirely different word. "This" and "these" may be misspelled by a Spanish speaker because "i" makes an "e" sound in Spanish. The assimilation of words from other languages (French, German, Italian, Swedish, Irish and others) creates a large variety in spelling.PunctuationPunctuation rules can make comprehension difficult. In Rosetta Stone Korean English, questions end with a question mark; in Spanish, they begin with an upside-down question mark and end with a regular question mark. Thus a Spanish speaker reading an English sentence may have to return to the beginning and re-read it in order to understand the text, as he is conditioned by his native language to expect a statement If no mark appears at the beginning. The same goes for exclamations.Often in other languages, sentence structure rather than apostrophes is used to indicate possession, nor are contractions such as "can't" for "cannot" used. Other languages use accent marks and other markings over letters that English does not use.GrammarGrammatical structure, such as the placement of adjectives when describing nouns, is another area of difficulty. When we talk about "the white house," we picture the color white and then shape it into a house; then, in certain circumstances we capitalize the phrase---"the White House"---indicating the presidential residence in Washington, D.C. In Spanish the same phrase would be "la casa blanca": first a house that we then picture as white. In longer descriptions with many adjectives, English comprehension is hindered by word order.Irregular forms of verb conjugations cause problems for English learners. "I/we/they go," "he/she goes" make sense for the present tense of the verb "to go." In the past tense, the verb would be "went" for all forms; there is no correlation to the original verb and no variation.IdiomsThe English language is full of word pictures called idioms that require cultural background knowledge to fully comprehend. Native speakers are often so used to them that they fail to ident Ify them as idioms. Phrases like "putting [ Rosetta Stone Software ] the cart before the horse" and "throwing in the towel" have the ESL student rushing for his dictionaries in search of a literal interpretation.
How to Find English Subtitles
So you finally have that film on your computer, only to discover Rosetta Stone outlet that now you must find English subtitles to understand it. No problem! The internet is full of free websites where you can find English subtitles. In this article you will learn the way to find the best subtitles, and in the resources section below I include my favorite links to free english subtitles! Instructions 1The first step, and often the only one, is to go to one of the websites I Rosetta Stone Arabic have listed in the resources section. You will input the title of the film in the search engine, and selections of subtitles will appear. You may have to scroll down to find the English subtitles, as they will usually have them in multiple languages.2 If you can't Rosetta Stone French find the English subtitles you're looking for on one of these sites, google it! Put the title of the film in quotation marks ( ) and in the original language, and then put English subtitles, also in quotation marks. One of these other sites may have what you are looking for.3Sometimes you will have many different sets of English subtitles to choose from. So how do you know which is the best translation? It's a little difficult. Usually, it's best to choose a few of the highest rated ones. If you know some of the film's language, put on the subtitles and go to a certain scene where [ Rosetta Stone Software ] you can see how well the translation is.
Foreign Language Week Art Projects
Since 1957, Alpha Mu Gamma honor society has sponsored National Foreign Language Week, a way to celebrate other cultures within the United States. Typically held the first full week of March, language teachers around the country embrace National Foreign Language Rosetta Stone software Week and use it as a way to boost learning in their classroom. Asking students to engage in art activities for the week helps them flex their creative muscles while learning new languages. Mini Art Gallery One of the simplest art projects for students to participate in for the week involves creating artwork of their own revolving around the culture and history of the language being learned. These works of art can be in a variety of media, from watercolor to clay sculptures. The subject portrayed could be a cultural Rosetta Stone Latin America Spanish fairy tale or a depiction of a national holiday within the culture. At the end of the week, foreign language classes could get together and hold a small art showing with an explanation of the artwork created. Comic Creation If traditional art isn't something your students enjoy, creating a miniature comic book could be up their alley. The students design their own panels and fill in text in the corresponding language. The comic drawn could be about any subject learned within the foreign language course so that the text can be easily translated. The comics could be produced in groups to make it a bit easier and allow students who aren't as artistic to handle the writing and translation part If they choose. Additionally, grouping students together Rosetta Stone English makes it easier to copy and distribute the comics for the class to read, should you choose to make copies. Restaurant Menus Those with a flair for culinary arts might enjoy creating a restaurant menu revolving around the language's culture. Students, individually or in groups, could prepare their menus, design the layout, and present them to the class. As an extra step, the end of the week could bring in food items from their menu to create an in-class restaurant. This could extend into other language classes as well for a wider array of cultural dishes, such as involving French, Spanish and Latin classes. T-Shirt Design For wearable art, students could design their own shirts based upon the culture of the language in question. Supply the students with markers, paint, glitter and other art supplies so that they can decorate the shirts they bring in with whatever design they want that relates to the language. Allow for a day or two for planning, then a few more days for designing. At the end of the week, students could wear their shirts and explain why they designed them the way they did. A mini-fashion show may even be in order so students can showcase their work.Theatrical ArtsNot all art projects involve a paintbrush and a canvas. For a d Ifferent art form, have [ Rosetta Stone Software ] students write and produce their own plays, or find traditional theatre in the foreign language culture of choice. The original plays could be written and performed in the foreign language, giving students a chance to practice what they've learned in class in a way that's more fun than oral quizzes. For a more ambitious theatrical production, students could create their own basic sets and the entire school can come watch the production.
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