
An Apartheid pariahstate

There is no reason, in themodernity of the 21st century, to have an Apartheid pariahstate in our midsts that has co-opted the very definition ofjustice from the lexicon of Western languages, and continuesto create new innocent victims on a daily basis and has beendoing so since its very inception in 1896, when its Rosetta Stone V3 founderclaimed along the banks of the Swiss Rhine: "In Basle Ifounded the Jewish state ... Maybe in five years, certainlyin fifty, everyone will realize it". And most assuredly,there is no reason for any people, be they well intentioned,or ideological, who may have supported it in the past, tocontinue doing so in the present, except with monumentallycriminal intent of perpetuating crimes against a beleagueredhumanity.If an EU can transpire after killing each otherfor centuries and upon the ashes of 50 million dead just inthe 20th century, with the determined will and singularfocus to do so, a unified Palestine-Israel is a far morenatural and historical reconstitution except for therelative newcomer European Zionism parasite that hashijacked the region, and continually prevents and distortsits reseeding with red herrings up the wazoo. It's time tofinally endeavor creating the long cherished and elusivedream of a peaceful and fairer future for all of ourchildren by the construction of a non-Apartheid equal andjust state for all its inhabitants inIsrael-Palestine.Indeed a true "Zion that will lightup all the world", one that can finally claim to be thegenuine moral inheritor of the Ten Commandments, and of thenoble Prophet - whom all three faiths in the region honorand respect, sharing in the same Abrahamic moral traditions- who identified his flock as God's chosen peoples!Thankyou.The author, a minor justice activist, grew up in Pakistan,studied EECS at MIT, engineered for a while in high-techSilicon Valley (patents here), and retired early to pursue Rosetta Stone Spanish Latin otherresponsible interests. He may be reached viahumanbeingsfirst on gmail.com (click here)Copyright Notice: This work iscopyright (c) Project HumanbeingsfirstTM, with fullpermission to copy, repost, and reprint, in its entirety,for any purpose, granted with the exclusion noted belowprovided the original URL of this document is alsoreproduced and this entire copyright notice is alwaysretained as is, including this note that not doing so is inviolation of licensing terms of copyrighted material and maybe open to penalties noted here. All quotations and excerptsemployed in this work are based on non-profit "fair use" foreducation and research purposes only in the greater publicinterest consistent with the understanding of laws noted here. The rights of the author toexpress these views are based on inalienable rights noted here, and to do so freely withoutsuffering intimidation and duress is based on the newanti-terrorism laws discussed here Rosetta Stone Spain Spanish which supercedes excellent theorynoted here. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C.Section 107 of US Copyright Laws, you are provided thismaterial upon your request, and taking any action thatdelivers you this document in any form is considered makinga specific request to receive this document for your ownpersonal educational and/or research use.

