
Almost all (96%) of theEnglish language schools/centres provided guidance

Almost all (96%) of theEnglish language schools/centres provided guidance to theirinternational students on Rosetta Stone software prerequisites for tertiarystudy.Almost all English language schools/centresassessed the English language capability of theirinternational students - Almost all (96%) of the Englishlanguage schools/centres reported assessing internationalstudents for their English language capability.- MostEnglish language schools/centres who assessed internationalstudents reported this was done by an ESOL specialist (65%).- The majority of English language schools/centresindicated that these assessments focused on the students listening (79%), speaking (75%), reading (71%), writing (79%), and grammar (81%) abilities, with vocabulary (67%) focused on to a slightly lesserextent.- At the time of assessment, an average of 46% ofthe international students in English languageschools/centres were reported to have English languagelevels at the beginner or elementary level, although anaverage of 40% were reported to be at the intermediate level (Table 19). Table 19: English language levels attime of assessment by provider typeS2, Q3. In youropinion, what were the English language levels of theseinternational students when they were first assessed? AllEnglish language schools with ffp students Private Englishlanguage school Language school/centre withintertiaryn45 n23 n22Mean % Mean % Mean%Beginner level 12 16 8Elementary level 34 3434Intermediate level 40 41 40Advanced level 14 918Total 100 100 100Note: Components may not always addto 100% exactly because of rounding. Caution: low basenumber of respondents - results are indicative only.Thistable is the same as Table 128 in Volume 2 of this report.The majority of English language schools/centres hadcross-cultural awareness programmes - The majority (70%)of the English language schools/centres had cross-culturalawareness programmes to help integrate internationalstudents (Table 20).Table 20: Cross-cultural awarenessprogrammes by provider typeS4, Q1. Does your organisationhave any formal or informal programmes (beyond thoseincorporated in English Language teaching programmes) todevelop cross-cultural awareness to help integrateinternational students? All English language schools withffp students Private English language school Rosetta Stone Spain Spanish Languageschool/centre within tertiaryn50 n25 n25% %%Yes 70 68 72No 30 32 28No response - - -Total100 100 100Note: Components may not always add to 100%exactly because of rounding. Caution: low base number ofrespondents - results are indicative only.This table isthe same as Table 147 in Volume 2 of this report. - Thesecross-cultural programmes in English language schools/centres most commonly involved encouraging students toparticipate in extra-curricular activities including sports(37%), orientation programmes or activities (34%), andsocial events such as dinners (17%).- The large majority(83%) of English language schools/centres indicated thatthey used the understandings or knowledge of theirinternational students in the curriculum.- Theseunderstandings and knowledge were most commonly used in cultural exchange activities or programmes.Englishlanguage schools/centres employed an average of 26.4 ESOLstaff - English language schools/centres employed a meanof 26.4 ESOL staff. On average, these comprised 12.8permanent full-time, 7.3 non-permanent full-time, 3.1permanent part-time, 2.9 non-permanent part-time, and staff(Table 21).Table 21: ESOL staff by provider typeS5,Q1. How many staff does your organisation currently employto teach ESOL or provide specialist ESOL support? AllEnglish language schools with ffp students Private Englishlanguage school Language school/centre withintertiaryn49 n25 n24Mean Mean MeanPermanentfull-time staff 12.8 13.3 12.3Non-permanent full-timestaff 7.3 6.2 8.5Permanent part-time staff 3.1 3.22.9Non-permanent part-time staff 2.9 2.2 3.6Total mean26.4 25.0 27.8Note: Components may not always add Rosetta Stone English to 100%exactly because of rounding. Caution: low base number ofrespondents - results are indicative only.This table isthe same as Table 184 in Volume 2 of this report.

