How to Improve the Education System
U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan reported that high school seniors' achievement Rosetta Stone V3 in reading and math isn't rising fast enough to prepare them to succeed in college and careers. Reading results are still below 1992 levels and math scores are hardly better than four years ago. "The New York Times" reported in 2007 that among 15-year-olds from 30 industrialized nations, U.S. students scored lower than 16 countries in science and 23 countries in math. "USA Today" reported in 2007 that students in Massachusetts and Minnesota, the highest scoring states in math and science, scored significantly below nations like Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan. There are several strategies to consider to improve the education system. Instructions 1Identify low performing teacher-preparation programs by demanding meaningful data on student Rosetta Stone Spanish Latin outcomes. Make accreditation of these programs more rigorous, outcome-based and driven by clinical practice. Future teacher-preparation programs should emulate the model of medical education by being fully grounded in clinical practice along with academic and professional courses.2Establish more charter schools to increase accountability for results. Designed by educators, parents or civic leaders, charter schools are free from many rules and regulations that govern conventional public schools. In September 2010, Education Secretary Arne Duncan announced 12 grants for $50 million to charter school management organizations.3Institute merit-based systems for teachers, including higher, performance-based salaries. Give teachers merit pay for improving student achievement. Create data systems that verify to teachers, principals, district officials, state officials and the public the link between student achievement and teacher performance.4Engage students with project-based learning. Rosetta Stone Spain Spanish Teachers must teach beyond the textbook to study complex, real-world issues, such as the water quality in their communities or the economy of their town. Students must be taught how to gather and analyze information from multiple sources, including interviews, reference materials and the Internet.5Restructure resources of time, money and facilities in the school. Allow block scheduling of classes two hours or longer for more in-depth project work. Schools should remain open for the three-month summer vacation for student activities and enrichment, teacher development and community use.6Create strong links with community partners, including business, higher education, museums and government agencies. These organizations can provide materials, technology and [ Rosetta Stone Software ] valuable experiences for students and teachers. Business partners can expose students and teachers to the world of work through school-to-career programs and internships. Schools should enlist local professionals to act as instructors and mentors for students.7Add foreign-language classes in elementary grades. "The Washington Post" states "the country needs more bilingual speakers to stay competitive and even to fight terrorism." Young brains have a great aptitude for absorbing language and bilingual children have an easier time learning a third or fourth language later on.
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