Washington, DC June 17th - President- Elect Mary Jane Oatman Wak-Wak came to Washington Rosetta Stone Languages to deliver testimony on behalf of the National Indian Education Association and its membership.The topic discussed was, Did the No Child Left Behind Act Leave Indian Students Behind? The purpose of the testimony was to give the Senate a comprehensive update on the work NIEA has been conducting since 2005 and recommendations on the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. President-Elect Oatman Wak-Wak expressed her purpose, NIEA appreciates our working relationship with Congressional leaders and their staff to strengthen the learning conditions for our Native students. We must ensure that they have effective school leaders, appropriate materials and services, innovative technology and that teaching methods and assessment meet the unique cultural and linguistics needs of Native learners.Since 2005, NIEA has been in extensive dialogue through listening sessions and meetings with Native students, educators, schools administrators, Native parents and Tribal leaders to Rosetta Stone Cheap learn how NCLB has encountered them. Also, NIEA is sharing ESEA recommendations they have been pressing the Obama administration since his election. The overall goal is to strengthen Native American and Tribal control of education. NIEA would like to see the restoration of the position of Director of Indian Education, elevating the authority of Tribal Education Departments, require federal agencies and state to collaborate with Indian tribes to ensure adequate planning and support for Native learners and Native education providers, support and fund programs that ensure maximum participation of Native parents, families and tribal communities, and support data and research. In her testimony, Mrs. Oatman Wak-Wak further addresses that ESEA should reflect the Rosetta Stone German policy mandates of the Native American Languages Act (2005), which encourages Native languages as a medium of instruction for student achievement. There is an also strong recommendation to authorize a tribal Teacher Preparation Initiative.This will be the sixth time NIEA has provided testimony to Congress during this administration.###About the National Indian Education AssociationThe National Indian Education Association, a 501(c) (3) membership-based organization, was officially incorporated in 1970 to support traditional Native Steelers Jerseys cultures and values, to enable Native learners to become contributing members of their communities, to promote Native control of educational institutions, and to improve educational opportunities and resources for American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians throughout the United States.