A couple of days ago, I received what appeared to be an advertisement mailing
When President Reagan offered Pershing missiles to Europe, the Democrats had hissy fits. Rosetta Stone software They writhed in pain as he asked the Soviets to tear down this wall and called them an evil empire. Two years after Reagan left office, the USSR disintegrated.When Iraq invaded Kuwait, President Bush Sr. stood tall, and we defeated Iraq and expelled them from Kuwait. We attacked Libya after it orchestrated an attack on our citizens.Can anyone imagine any Democrat having done anything to stop the Soviets, let alone the terrorists?If you truly desire a defenseless United States and a return to the policies of President Carter, Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis, Clinton, Al Gore and John Kerry, then vote Democrat and hope to God we survive until the elections of 2012. Neal L. Sears,VenturaWhere's Jackson, Sharpton?What has happened to the two reverends who ran for national office and from whom we hear nothing except total silence namely, the Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton? Since Sen. Barack Obama became a national personality, we have not even seen their names in print, and we have not heard their voices on the airwaves.I can only guess that they have been told to keep quiet, stay in the background and not make any waves. To do so, I would guess that they have been promised a position in Rosetta Stone Greek the Cabinet if the senator becomes president.What would it be? Secretary of state? Chief of staff? Secretary of defense? Who knows? Your guess is as good, or maybe even better, than mine.Heaven help us if either of those two anti-everything are given a national platform. Harold Goldwasser,CamarilloSpanish campaign flier?A couple of days ago, I received what appeared to be an advertisement mailing. I pulled this card out of my mailbox and saw some very large Spanish-language print. Below that was, I suppose, a significantly smaller English-language translation, but since I don't speak Spanish, I can't be certain. Scratching my head in confusion, I turned the card over and learned a shocking truth: This was a flier for Sen. Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.I am still in awe over the reality of this piece of mail. This is an American presidential candidate catering to foreign-born, foreign- language-speaking voters!Are we, American citizens, voting for a candidate who places higher value Rosetta Stone Hindi V3 on non-native, non-English-speaking voters than she does her own citizens? Has the English language been relegated to second place in American society? Who is it exactly that this American elected official represents? Whose interests does she serve?American businesses and homes are being sold to foreign nationals, American jobs are being lost to cheaper foreign labor, Americans purchase cheaper foreign-made products and American companies are outsourcing or relocating to foreign soil to reduce labor costs.Is America selling out to foreign interests to the extent of our own eventual demise? I am deeply concerned for the future of this country. Timothy Walden,Oak ViewIt's not plagiarismNo one charged President Kennedy with plagiarism when he gave his famous Ask not what your country can do for you speech at his 1961 inauguration. And yet these words, written originally in Arabic and later translated, first appeared almost word for word in Khalil Gibran's The New Frontier [Rosetta Stone] many years prior.In addition, for President Kennedy's inaugural speech, his colleagues and aides were said to have submitted ideas, and clergy provided lists of biblical quotes brief excerpts from Isaiah 58:6 and Romans 12:12 indeed appear in the speech. The finished product was, of course, President Kennedy's, delivered with the force of his own eloquence, personality and style, notwithstanding the inclusion of a quotation, phrase or idea of another.Accordingly, it was totally ludicrous to accuse Sen. Barack Obama of plagiarism when he echoed the words of his good friend, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick. To illustrate the power of words, Patrick, in a speech prior to Obama's, had repeated what have come to be famous and well-known quotes attributed to President Kennedy ( Ask not what your country can do ), Martin Luther King ( I have a dream ), Franklin Delano Roosevelt ( We have nothing to fear but fear itself ) and the Declaration of Independence ( We hold these truths to be self-evident ). No one accused Patrick of plagiarism.With the same illustration of the power of words in mind, Obama repeated Patrick's speech, with the permission of his good friend.Plagiarism? I think not. Storm in a teacup is more like it, initiated by an opposition ready to pounce and, in turn, seized upon by newscasters who seem to have forgotten what should be a prime directive: Think, question and analyze before allowing yourselves to be used in this fashion.
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